Mr. Liangming Wang
HTML5&CSS3 Development – The Definitive Guide
The reason why this book is named "HTML5&CSS3 Development Beginning" is because the book covers almost all the knowledge points horizontally-basic elements, css3 styles, canvas, vector diagrams, except for covering the whole process from website development to operation. , Semantic elements, local storage, multimedia processing, peer-to-peer communication, threads, web components, etc. I have many years of practical experience in enterprises, plus more than ten years of university teaching summary, solid knowledge of computer theory, and a preference for philosophy. It would be great for me to complete such a big book.This book has considerable depth. I suggest you calm down and read and think carefully. I believe it will benefit you a lot. Assure the master that I wrote all the manuscripts by myself and does not involve anyone else’s copyright issues.
カテゴリー: | 本・雑誌・漫画>>>本>>>コンピュータ・IT |
商品の状態: | 目立った傷や汚れなし |
CAD利用技術者試験3次元公式ガイドブック 2021年度版
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