English version. Very easy reading.
4.3/5 on Goodreads 4.8/5 in Amazon
200 Marsh Award Winning Book
Toby Alone - hard cover
Toby and the Secrets of the Tree -paperback
An awards-laden adventure of heroism, friendship and survival – with a powerful ecological message – set in a captivating miniature world.
Toby Lolness is just one and a half millimetres tall, and he’s the most wanted person in his world, the Great Oak Tree. When Toby’s father makes a ground-breaking discovery, tapping into the very heart of the Tree’s energy, he also realizes that exploiting it could permanently damage their world. Refusing to reveal the secret of his invention to an enraged community, the family is exiled. But one man is determined to get hold of the forbidden knowledge ... and his plan is to destroy the Tree. Now Tobys parents have been imprisoned and sentenced to death. Only Toby has managed to escape, but for how long?
カテゴリー: | 本・雑誌・漫画>>>本>>>洋書 |
商品の状態: | 未使用に近い |
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